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[스크랩] Dvorak Going Home / Libera boys choir

schubert 2009. 2. 22. 12:09

** Dvorak Going Home / Libera boys choir **

Going home, going home I'm a going home,
Quiet like, some still day , I'm just going home,

It's not far just close by, Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by ,Gwine to fear no more,

Mother's there specting me, Father's waiting too.
Lots o'folk gather'd there, All the friends I knew.

All the friends I knew. Home-Home- I'm going home.
Nothing lost all's gain, No more nor pain

2009.02. 22 / sunmoon
출처 : 아트힐
글쓴이 : sunmoon 원글보기
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